A learning journey through reading a blog

As a Chinese proverb goes, Every beginning is difficult, I am sure that most teachers, same as me, are not confident enough in the process of creating their first blog. Fortunately, during my MA TESOL study of the ICT session, I can get exposed to a range of teacher blogs and know what they look like. And I believe that you can make your blogs more attractive and engaging after reading my analysis of one example teacher's blog https://www.freetech4teachers.com/

Organisation and Layout

The author shows his image with the title at the top of the website, which is good for readers to have a first impression. The subtitles may not be so good, but they still provide access to a bunch of resources. Personally, I believe the author could categorise different technologies and appear like small columns just under each subtitle. Also, the advertisement column is separated and placed on the right side of the page. This can be common in most websites aiming for business purposes.


The author shows two ways for readers to find his article: the first is to put the search engine column on the right; the second is to show a list of contents with different dates and issues. 

Using links is also a strategy for teachers, especially when you do not want to waste time introducing a concept and making the blog concise. The author here provides the links to Wiki History Game, building a basic understanding for readers.

Content and features

I think one problem here is that teachers may not know what particular technology they need for better teaching. Therefore, an attractive title may help teachers do this. When looking at the two posts on the same day in the image below, I could say the first one is more contributive to my teaching. But the second one sets a barrier for those teachers who are unfamiliar with the One Note.

Comments and audience

When I am trying to focus on this point with my partner, we can hardly find any comments below. Our teacher answers this question as some authors may block this function as some reviewers will advertise at the same time when they are commenting. But this also sacrifices the interaction and maybe the author could delete these annoying reviews while keeping the responses of the readers.


Despite some drawbacks, it is still a good blog and it contains all the elements that starters can make possible at the beginning. 

Finally, how do you feel about this blog? Please comment below and don't forget to subscribe to my channel!👱

And below is a video that help you structure your first blog, hope you will like it!💗


  1. Hi Leo,

    I have take a look on the blog and it gives me some idea about how to create a good and eye-catching blog. Putting the link in the post is really efficient so I don't need to spend extra time on google-ing the app. Also, the author has provided his Linkedin in his blog. This is good as I can know more about his professional profile. Thank You for introducing this blog to me.


  2. Hi Beiyu, I am typing this a bit nervously as I am only guessing that I have found the right place! Please could you change the menus from Chinese to English? That would be very helpful. Well done on making that difficult 'beginning' as in the proverb you quote - now you have started you are well on your way to a great blog! You have found a natural and friendly 'voice' which will attract readers back to read more - good! Your review of Richard Byrne's website is clear and thoughtful - as you say there is s lot of content that can be searched in different ways, and it seems that looking at his blog has helped you decide what you want to do on your own blog, so I'm pleased about that. The blog you have embedded is also a useful resource for new bloggers - thanks. All in all a good start - well done!

    1. Hi Tilly,
      Thank you so much for your comments, and I have changed the language settings from Chinese to English. Hooray!

  3. Hi Beiyu, this is a well-organised blog, very neat! I like the post itself as well that you've inserted screenshots for understanding. I think it's a good and significant point that a title of post is really important. Hope this helps us make our future post more understandable and useful to any teachers.

  4. Hi Leo,

    I like the proverb you started with. I believe in it. But it seems that yours is smooth and concise. Good start!


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